Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Steve Jeter
  • Male
  • off and on a yr.
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Steve Jeter's Friends

  • Keven Barringer
  • Mark Bailey
  • Valerie Diaz Leroy
  • Anthony G Spangler
  • Gerald Vassar
  • Genford Brewington
  • Andy Gelfert
  • Ronald D  Haines
  • jamie gans
  • Ryan Gray
  • Matthew Mickletz
  • Paul Draper
  • James Pentecost
  • Strumelia

Steve Jeter's Discussions

Tackhead vs Bracket banjo

Started this discussion. Last reply by Strumelia Jan 16, 2016. 19 Replies

  Im interested on yalls opinions on these two.  I only have the tackheads Ive built. I used poplar for neck, and block rims of pine.I don't have as much tone and volume as Id like. I listen to Dave…Continue

the thrill aint gone ,but the pain is back

Started this discussion. Last reply by Timothy Twiss Dec 30, 2015. 5 Replies

Hi friendsI been gone a long while, I gave up banjo when I got chronic rt arm pain in hand and forearm. also tingling, and a shock kinda feeling when I did a strike.I picked up my tackhead a couple…Continue

mark Weems Fiddle

Started this discussion. Last reply by Steve Jeter Dec 19, 2015. 3 Replies

Hi I would swear there was a vid on here with Mr Weems playing fiddle. Can anybody point me to it?thanks muchContinue

chat box

Started this discussion. Last reply by Strumelia May 14, 2013. 1 Reply

 when I try to start a chat with somebody , I cant type nothing in.  I figured , people were ignoring me,, but a couple I know don't ignore me , don't work either.  I hope that's the problem.  Is…Continue

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Steve Jeter's Page

Profile Information

How did you find out about Ning Minstrel Banjo?
How long have you played banjo?
off and on a yr.
What kind of banjo(s) do you own?
self built tackheads self build gourdies

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Steve Jeter's Blog

Progress report youtube vid

Posted on July 24, 2013 at 9:30am 2 Comments

 when I took time off to learn flamenco , a couple of folks said to post something when I learned  something.  well here it is warts and all. a fun style guitar.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiBJ4TrrGAY


Im sorry I forgot how to embed a vid



see you sooner or later

Posted on June 5, 2013 at 8:49am 10 Comments

 To the few amigos here, I didn't die, or fall off the planet, my musical ADD just one day lately shifted to classical / flamenco guitar,  my brain does what it wants,,, just say so long fo a bit,,, but Im sure Ill be back,

take care



to those who don't care, sorry to waste your minute

step by step for lurkers

Posted on April 17, 2013 at 8:32am 0 Comments

 we know this community is small,,, but I wonder how many people never register ,,, but still use the site...

The reason Im wondering is ,, I thought of making a super easy note by note vid of a super easy tune like Calabash Dance,,  it can be as easy as 3 fingered notes and the open ones of course. 

but I don't know if it would be of any help,,, to me its easier than the first tune I learned juba.....  

per Tims post remembering..... I remember the wknd 2 yrs ago when I…


Got $ and lots of fun

Posted on April 8, 2013 at 10:17am 2 Comments

 I asked about how to get tips,, well I got some , not a lot 38.00. but paid for gas.    I got to play a lot of tunes,, best part was playing with the kids. I had 3 sets of wooden spoons{homemade attached at end} and my homemade tambo... there were a lot of times I had them all in use. 4 kids playing along.  coal black rose was the easiest to play to .  Fun to see how some kids had natural timing, some didn't.  many pics taken and some kids came back to play more.  Git up in de morning was…


Comment Wall (20 comments)

At 7:57pm on January 21, 2011, Carl Anderton said…
Steve, glad I could give you inspiration with this fantastic style of banjo playing.  I hope to see you in June in Mary-land!
At 5:31pm on March 16, 2011, Mark Hobson said…

Hi Steve, 

Thanks for the welcome..... pulled the trigger today and bought a 1924 Vega.  Simple and nice.  My goal is really to play old time fiddle tunes so the minstrel group may not be the right place, but there seems to be a lot of "banjo knowledge" here so while I may not post much, I'll certainly lurk!

At 3:40pm on April 7, 2011, Dena Lee said…
Nice, Mark:  I have a 1936 Vega tenor.  What a joy.
At 1:31pm on March 9, 2012, flatfoot johnny said…

Nice to meet you steve... love your vids.  Are both of your banjos by Brian Carver. He's certainly prolific.

At 3:31pm on March 20, 2012, Ryan Gray said…

Thanks for the nice words in the friend request. I hope that building your banjo goes even smoother than mine did. I tell you what, when you build one its the greatest feeling ever when you play it.

At 1:14am on March 31, 2012, Joshua Cole said…

Thanks for the kind welcome, Steve.  I'm looking forward to learning more about these wonderful instruments.  My first fretless minstrel-style banjo is on order with Luke Mercier and I hope to get it by August.  In the meantime, this site gives me lots to think about!


At 9:18pm on April 4, 2012, Neil Bellanca said…

Thanks Steve, I'll post pictures of my banjos as soon as I am able. I'm working on a new build right now. I'm trying to turn an old locust fence-post into a banjo neck; it's probably not doable, but we'll see!

At 11:23am on April 12, 2012, Bob Winans said…

Hi Steve---Thanks for the friend request. However, I did not fully understand some of your comments. Are you suggesting that some of what Carson Hudson and Clarke play is more syncopated than the material in my black syncopation presentation? Or just that now that you have gone through the black syncopation material you hear something like it in their playing? And maybe you could expand on your description, "than some ways."

Banjovially, Bob

At 11:28am on April 12, 2012, Steve Jeter said…

   Kinda what I was asking is this syncopation the Hudson & Clarke are doing is this the syncopation you are talking about.   Listening to Pompey and Juba , the way both these guys play them seems to be fewer notes, but heavy on the sync.    Is there a video of you expalining and demonstrating this? 

 I was just remarking on the "feel" they had

At 10:26am on April 17, 2012, Al Smitley said…

You have a question about the chord chart?

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