when I took time off to learn flamenco , a couple of folks said to post something when I learned something. well here it is warts and all. a fun style guitar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiBJ4TrrGAY
Im sorry I forgot how to embed a vid
Added by Steve Jeter on July 24, 2013 at 9:30am — 2 Comments
To the few amigos here, I didn't die, or fall off the planet, my musical ADD just one day lately shifted to classical / flamenco guitar, my brain does what it wants,,, just say so long fo a bit,,, but Im sure Ill be back,
take care
to those who don't care, sorry to waste your minute
Added by Steve Jeter on June 5, 2013 at 8:49am — 10 Comments
we know this community is small,,, but I wonder how many people never register ,,, but still use the site...
The reason Im wondering is ,, I thought of making a super easy note by note vid of a super easy tune like Calabash Dance,, it can be as easy as 3 fingered notes and the open ones of course.
but I don't know if it would be of any help,,, to me its easier than the first tune I learned juba.....
per Tims post remembering..... I remember the wknd 2 yrs ago when I…
ContinueAdded by Steve Jeter on April 17, 2013 at 8:32am — No Comments
I asked about how to get tips,, well I got some , not a lot 38.00. but paid for gas. I got to play a lot of tunes,, best part was playing with the kids. I had 3 sets of wooden spoons{homemade attached at end} and my homemade tambo... there were a lot of times I had them all in use. 4 kids playing along. coal black rose was the easiest to play to . Fun to see how some kids had natural timing, some didn't. many pics taken and some kids came back to play more. Git up in de morning was…
ContinueAdded by Steve Jeter on April 8, 2013 at 10:17am — 2 Comments
Ive had a Amish, it was a hot bugger, I know you can say , man up ,,, but I hate a hot head :) what kind of straw would be period 1850 aboutish? Van Goghs straw looks like it would work,, but he aint selling
I actually want something I could wear for "costume" and just outdoors,,,, so I could get a natural worn in look
Added by Steve Jeter on June 5, 2012 at 2:33pm — 6 Comments
any yall use a scraper? and if you do, how do you sharpen it?
I got a set from woodcraft,, and when new it was great, I took a LOT of sanding out , I cant handle much sanding , it hurts my lungs ,, even with a mask,,, i abused them as a younger man
Added by Steve Jeter on June 5, 2012 at 10:16am — 3 Comments
Just ordered a peg shaper, enough pegs for 5 banjos, almost have my 2nd finished, a cold got me down some. A gourd is up next. I am lovin it.
Added by Steve Jeter on April 17, 2012 at 12:27pm — No Comments
Hope everybody has a great wknd. and some fun with your banjo
Added by Steve Jeter on April 13, 2012 at 4:23pm — No Comments
Does anyone have Union Jig in tab preferably,, or dots?? that they could share ?
Added by Steve Jeter on March 26, 2012 at 1:12pm — No Comments
I took fri off, intending to put the Bell kit together. but decided to work on my banjo Im building already from scratch.. My pot is basically done. Made a 12" to get some tum tum hopefully. I got the neck down to size using hand tools, I like them and truthfully I dont have any "big " power tools. I am using ,my elec drill, and cut some w/ my bandsaw. But realized you can move a good bit of wood w/ a rasp,,, once i got the hang of it. Did some reading up and found you are…
ContinueAdded by Steve Jeter on March 26, 2012 at 8:13am — No Comments
Just got my wonderful Tery Bell neck kit, cant wait to work on it, I think Ill take tomorrow off.
I then realized the neck blank I have been making was overkill, I have 2 1x4 X26 poplar boards glued together,,, I thought you needed a lot of peghead angle, evidently not. Glad I have a band saw.
Thanks Terry , it looks perfect
Added by Steve Jeter on March 22, 2012 at 9:29am — No Comments
Pardon the klinkers
Added by Steve Jeter on March 9, 2012 at 10:29am — 2 Comments
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