Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

 I took fri off, intending to put the Bell kit together. but decided  to  work on my banjo Im building already from scratch..  My pot is basically done. Made a 12" to get some tum tum hopefully.  I  got the neck down to size using hand tools,  I like them and truthfully I dont have any "big " power tools. I am using ,my elec drill, and cut some w/ my bandsaw.   But realized you can move a good bit of wood w/ a rasp,,, once i got the hang of it.   Did some reading up and found you are supossed to take care of your rasp! who would have thought it.  Ive just been tossing mine in the tool box , never thinking about what that was doing to the teeth.   I want to get a new one and treat it right.  

 Loking forward to learning how to set in pegs when I get my reamer. fun journey


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