Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo



Four months after Suwannee Banjo Camp, I have played straight through the Briggs Corn Peeling Jig several times now without significant temporal or melodic anomalies.  I therefore wish to submit an MP3 recording of this accomplishment to minstrelbanjo.ning.com for expert assessment and peer review. However, my investigation to discover how to submit a file in this format has so far borne no fruit.  Is such a portal available here on Minstrel Banjo?  I'd prefer not to send a video because I have not aged well.  (My wife reminds me of this unpleasant fact frequently.)  I thank you in advance for any assistance or advice submitted regarding this matter.

Cheers for now,

-Scott Danneker


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Someone may jump in a give you a better explanation, but I think first you need to add it to a Youtube account, so that it's embedded? something like that then when you go to add the video you paste the url address of where the video plays and then it will post here.

Scott, the simplest solution for your particular situation might be to record a video by sitting near the camera and playing, but have the camera focused on say a vase of flowers by the window or something.  That way you'll have the sound, but you can stay out of the picture if you choose to.  Or just aim the camera at your banjo while you play, keeping your head out of the picture.  Then just upload it to Youtube first, and then add it to the video section here on this site.

This site is not set up to accept uploaded MP3 files, it has no site music player, only video player.  However, if you have an MP3 sound file, i believe it's possible to embed it into a discussion or post- but others can perhaps address that course of action.

If I recall correctly there's not a native MP3 file feature available unless the Ning service is upgraded to the next level, and I think the consensus was that nobody quite felt it was worth the extra cost.

However, I just found this site, which says it will let you upload an MP3 and an image, turn it into a video and post it to YouTube for you. (I haven't tried it, but it looks pretty straightforward.)


Alternately, you could get a Soundcloud account, upload your MP3 there and then post a link to it here:


I used a free app called umusic to do this (see my upload of Devil's Dream for an example).


Andy, there are quite a few comments about the pie-tube site that suggest approaching it with caution, since you have to submit all your youtube account info to them in order to use it....probably not a good idea in general.

Incidentally, Ning is planning to completely eliminate the native music player anyway about a year from now.

Soundcloud sounds like a good option to me.   :)  Just upload the MP3, then post a link here in some discussion thread, and folks should be able to click on it to listen.  Maybe there could even be a specific sound clip thread or forum created for folks to post their mp3s.

Whoops, sorry for the bum steer folks!

Another popular piece of free conversion software is WinnFF. I usually use it to convert from video to MP3, but it works the other way around too. It is free, easy to use, has been around for a while, and converts to all kinds of formats. I don't use it a lot, but when I need it, It is nice to have.

Thanks Scott, I am now going to try that one out.  I ran it through my virus checker just to be sure, seems ok.  It runs little ads on the side, seems fine and has various file options.  Thanks!  :)

Hello again,

Many thanks for the advice and comments hitherto received re. this subject.  In consequence, I have placed the tune here - upon the Banjo Hangout:


Can you hear me now?

Is this type of MP3 portal approved by the folks at ".ning" and BHO, or have I broken a rule? 

Trusting that the former assumption is both sound and valid - I remain,

Sincerely yours,

-Scott Danneker 



Scott D., you are well on your way, nice first clip!

What source did your version come from, or how did you learn it- from tutor sheet music, a recording, or from someone's tab?  It sounds interesting and a little different than others I've heard.

keep up the good work!   :)

Actually, this is a great way to use MP3 audio files. One click and you are on the link. It just won't exist on Ning. Bravo!

Testing the same format.....Wrecker's Daughter posted on the Hangout.


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