Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Andy Chase planted a seed in my mind a few minutes ago with the mention of a need for a New England Minstrel gathering. So I thought I would start by asking how many Members of this ning live in New England? And of the membership, how many of you would be willing to get together north of Boston (Danvers MA) because I can offer my home, which is a barn with an attached 24X32 dance hall of sorts and can accommodate 50 or so people. It is unheated so it would be a warm weather event. I could offer tenting space in my 1.25 acre yard (do't mind the chickens or my two mini Dachshunds) and there are a few hotels very close by with easy highway access. Is this doable??? Chime in and lets see what happens. If you know a minstrel player that isn't here on the ning, ask them about their interest too!

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So I have been neglectful on this thread and was supposed to pick a date for a New England Gathering. I still have the weekend of August 11th penned in for this and so declare it as the New England Minstrel Gathering. I can easily go the whole weekend if someone wants to camp in the yard. Otherwise, it will be Saturday from whenever the first of you can get here until I pass out with my banjo in my lap later that night. We are farmers of sorts and start our day early so anytime from 8 am on works. Any of you potential attendees please chime in and let me know what you think. For now I will offer snacks and none alcoholic refreshments. If we go crazy we can all chip in and barbecue something up or hit one of the gazillion restaurants in our immediate area. Meanwhile, if anyone is interested in working on a banjo project, I have a full shop here and have repaired several classic banjos and am finishing up my second and third banjo builds. My third is a gourd banjo and is a great project. Who wants to start building a minstrel banjo? Let me know and we could get you off to a great start.

Fantastic,  Onto the calendar it goes.  I hope to get a Boucher style banjo built by then, but if not I may well take you up on the gracious offer of the use of your shop! 

I have a busy performing schedule this summer and have to keep that date open for now. I would love to be there if I can. Probably a last minute decision. Thanks Brian for organizing

i could make it. i have an aversion to planning things so far ahead of time, but i'm a stone's throw away, so it shouldnt be to much of a big deal.

I hope to make it.  As of now nothing seems to be getting in the way...

That seems like a good day for me (at least now).


Just reminding folks that we are but a month away from the New England Gathering on August 11th. Please see the events page for more information.

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