If you play concertina, then I have some questions for you. I do not play, but I am considering getting one. There are numerous configurations of course and I want to learn about pros and cons. I'm leaning towatd and English Baritone.
Thanks Scott!
I did purchase an English Baritone which I believe will best serve my objectives: 1) Accompaniment for singing 19th century songs (Foster, Bland, Emmett, Hays, etcetera) and, for providing some bass and chordal accompaniment for early banjo. And for that I will need all the sharps and flats (English system). In my opinion, the baritone range will best serve the objectives. I was pleasantly surprised to find a top concertina luthier living right here in my home state of Washington - The Concertina Connection. Pretty Cool! Looking forward to receiving my English Baritone this coming Friday.
Congratulations, The Concertina Connection is one of only a couple(2-3) who are world class makers/restorers. Others might be good, but not at the same level IMO.
You have lucked into the best concertina people in the USA, possible the world.
England has a Collin Dipper, but his waiting list is YEARS long as he does all his own work.
I started my musical life with a Hohner Marine Band many years ago, so 20 button Anglo concertina came sort of naturally under my fingers. 30 buttons are a bit more complicated.
For experimenting, Concertina Connection has designed and has built concertina in the three most popular varieties: the Anglo, the English, and the Hayden Duet. They are well designed, built, and tuned, and are a passable starter instrument. The Anglos are a bit large for my taste. As far as I can tell, they are the only starter models worth buying. The cheap Chinese ones on EBay are junk. Unless you can licking a reasonably priced used box, these are a good bet. They come with an upgrade program, if bought new. If you feel the need to step up to the next level you can trade it in for a discount.
Just so you know, I have a friend who is awaiting a new, hand made 30 button Anglo for which she is paying $7000 US.
BTW, I am not affiliated in any way with Concertina Connection.
I just finished practicing out of the 1868 Buckley book (modern version with tab) and thought these tunes would lend themselves well to an English concertina- Minstrel banjo combination. I have a Jackie treble (?) concertina that’s currently in storage.
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