Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Hi Friends,

I would like a copy of the piano sheet music for the song "De Ole Jaw Bone."  This is the cover - I need the rest of the pages.  Thanks!  Tom

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Thank you Tim!  I searched there (Levy sheet music) and tried various spellings. I could not find it!  But obviously it is there!  Thank you for the link!  You are a fine gentleman and friend!  Tom

Tom, your reply perfectly answers a question I was tempted to ask........Has the Levy Collection fixed their search abilities, yet??  Evidently not.  I've had the same difficulties with this site.  Potentially a great site but unfortunately only as good as the search engine it employs.  Thus, it's only a fraction as good as it could be.

But Tim, I've mentioned this to you a couple years ago and you said, you have found it difficult as well, at times.

Maybe you found this one easily.  If so, maybe there is some intermittent problem.

That's why I wondered if, with visual changes, anything had been done with the ease or accuracy of searching.

That's also why, when Tom said, "I searched.......and tried various spellings, I could not find it but obviously it is there!", it sounded exactly like some of my past experiences.


I was shocked that Tim went straight to it. I had the title, the exact spelling and upper and lower cases exactly the same, and it did NOT find it!  Irritating and frustrating. 

I rarely find what I am looking for there on the first search.  My best success is not typing in the whole title but one or two relevant words.

I did try that!  I tried jawbone - jaw bone - it usually works for me - but it didn’t this time. Maybe I need need to clean out my “cookies?”

Revelant?  See, I'm still at a loss!  You mean, Tim, that I have to search while reciting celebratory terms?!?!?    No wonder I've had such difficulty!

Bottom line...... Should we find a way to pass along our discourse to the website?

It is truly a shame to have such a great collection that is so unaccessible.

I don't quite see how tossing your cookies would help.

Tom Berghan said:

I did try that!  I tried jawbone - jaw bone - it usually works for me - but it didn’t this time. Maybe I need need to clean out my “cookies?”

A work-around:  if you Google "de ole jawbone levy collection" the link pops right up

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