Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Just in time for the Holiday's. You can now get both the tab/notation book The Music of Old Joe Sweeny and the newly released CD Ole Virginy Break Down! The Music of Old Joe Sweeny, for the special price of $40. Here is the link http://www.earlybanjotraditions.com/music/

On the website you will also find a few other things you might enjoy - I have a few Green Converse Tutors and a few Yellow Converse left in stock, as well as the re-issue of Joe Ayers classic recording now on CD - Old Dan Tucker.

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Hi, Mark: I just received my copy of "Ole Virginny Break Down! today. Love the drum! It gives the music a sort of depth...soul if you will:-). On my list, to learn, is Jim Along Josey. A narrative of a former enslaved man mentioned that he taught himself that one, he played on a fiddle. Looking forward to listening to the rest of the CD. Thanks...

Thanks Roberta, on some of the tunes I started with the drum beat and then placed the banjo over that - makes you play just a little different - gets a little more funky. Thanks for ordering!

Funky is good. I like funky...takes you into the music. Like the way Injun Rubber Overcoat is played...awesome funky:-).

hope mine comes in today, I have the same 5 or so cds on very heavy rotation some new tunage will be great

I'm a'waitin for mine in the mail, too!   :D  Great holiday timing!

Chris, you should get yours any day now - California is far away!

Lisa, I mailed yours today!

This CD went to the top of my Christmas list.  I have been good, maybe Santa (AKA my wife) will put one in my stocking.

Strategically insert an advertisement for the CD into the pages of your wife's Look magazine and place it carefully on her pillow.

'Look' magazine....  lolol!    Al, yer crackin me up here!

Well, on second thought, that really didn't work for Ralphy in "A Christmas Story".  It was his dad who got him the Red Rider BB gun for Christmas.  But then again, maybe his dad read through the Look magazine.

Sweeney just arrived woo hoo thanks Mark!

mine came over the weekend too, it's a great listen!

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