Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Okay, so who is getting their stuff packed and their car gassed up for the quest to AEBG in the barn this week??

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I'll do that Wednesday night...
Plans are on hold. My dogs having heart trouble and new meds aren't working too well. :-\

I hope your dog's condition improves.  It would, indeed, be difficult to enjoy a weekend of music if you didn't feel confident in your dog's stability.

thank you, Al.  I'm hoping he improves. I'd hate to miss it. 

Too bad there's not a live stream ;o}

Al Smitley said:

I hope your dog's condition improves.  It would, indeed, be difficult to enjoy a weekend of music if you didn't feel confident in your dog's stability.

I'm ready to go, don't even need much gas! We seem to have gotten into our summer weather pattern already here, warm with chance of thunderstorms in the late afternoons. Good idea Barbara - maybe I can get my hotspot to work at the barn and get a live stream going!

Thanks, Mike. That would be great. Hopefully, I won't need it but I'm sure there would be others who would welcome that.

Better to miss AEBG than miss your dog!

IWell...I can stand missing my dog but not my ailing dog  ;o{

Al Smitley said:

Better to miss AEBG than miss your dog!

Well, I meant permanently.


yeah, UGH...

congestive heart failure... mid-stages... we think...but it's dicey.

Al Smitley said:

Well, I meant permanently.

Alas;  I cannot come due to a wedding that I must attend lest I regret it for the remainder of my limited number of days.  I shall be there next year, and hopefully at Appomattox in September.  Have fun ya'll!


-Scott Danneker

PS: For Sunday meeting:  June 20 is the Summer solstice - therefore HOT.  Earlier or later in the year perhaps? We are not getting any younger.  Just a suggestion.

I too will not be able to attend this year.  The wife is scheduled for some minor surgery and it would be bad form to desert her in her time of need.  Maybe next year.

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