Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I will be dismantling the Banjo Clubhouse this week. If there is anything you need, download it now. It has been riding the back of my business site all this time, and I am revamping it totally.

On the other hand, my Youtube site http://www.youtube.com/user/giggletoot

is more organized than it has been before, with playlists organized by Tutors and other catagories. 


I may redo it in the future, but for now, this seems to be a good repository of information.

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probably the best in the world

Thank you for the warning... I'm on a download binge... !

I can put up the other tutors on my site for download if you'd like.

Ed Womack said:

Thank you for the warning... I'm on a download binge... !

Thanks for all the hard work Tim.  This is a great resource! 

Ugh... Hope I get my MacBook back soon! It crashed on me, I had all that down loaded.. But fear I may has lost it...  Time well tell 

Daniel Pownall said:

Thanks for all the hard work Tim.  This is a great resource! 

Thanks Joel for the offer. I would like it if you put up the Buckley 1868. Re: the others, Briggs' , Rice, and Buckley 1860...no. They are now available at Tuckahoe. Personally, I support anybody who is trying to make some dignified gain in this genre. They are fine reproductions, and I support Joe Ayers for what he has done to preserve and present to the world. I put mine up during his "vacancy" and they were not available. I paid for, and gained permissions for the Rice, Briggs', Buckley (both) as well as my copy of the Analytical 1886. This differs from Marc's 1887, which is better by the way.

Re: the others...they were on my site by permission of Marc Smith ( Yellow Converse, Old Cremona Songster, 1887 Analytical). I feel certain Marc will be okay, but I cannot speak for him. I forgot how I got the Winner's stuff....interesting as a study, but not too useful musically...but I don't judge it...just post it. The "Greenie" Converse was Chuck Krepley's. Check with him. This stuff will be down by the middle of the week. I plan to redo the Winan's lecture's and transform them into a YouTube broadcast, so you will see them again.

Once again, visit my You Tube site for a complete and accessible viewing of ALL the instrumental music from the main gospel, as well as additions in other groupings. I'll most likely continue to add new tunes here, but the focus will be on the YouTube collection.           

Sure.  I love his products and would rather buy a nicely bound copy on heavy paper than print it myself.  I wish someone would do the same with the ABM

Tim Twiss said:

Thanks Joel for the offer. I would like it if you put up the Buckley 1868. Re: the others, Briggs' , Rice, and Buckley 1860...no. They are now available at Tuckahoe. Personally, I support anybody who is trying to make some dignified gain in this genre. They are fine reproductions, and I support Joe Ayers for what he has done to preserve and present to the world. I put mine up during his "vacancy" and they were not available. I paid for, and gained permissions for the Rice, Briggs', Buckley (both) as well as my copy of the Analytical 1886. This differs from Marc's 1887, which is better by the way.

Re: the others...they were on my site by permission of Marc Smith ( Yellow Converse, Old Cremona Songster, 1887 Analytical). I feel certain Marc will be okay, but I cannot speak for him. I forgot how I got the Winner's stuff....interesting as a study, but not too useful musically...but I don't judge it...just post it. The "Greenie" Converse was Chuck Krepley's. Check with him. This stuff will be down by the middle of the week. I plan to redo the Winan's lecture's and transform them into a YouTube broadcast, so you will see them again.

Once again, visit my You Tube site for a complete and accessible viewing of ALL the instrumental music from the main gospel, as well as additions in other groupings. I'll most likely continue to add new tunes here, but the focus will be on the YouTube collection.           

Sorry to see the clubhouse go away, but it is understandable.

I believe at least one of the "Winners" books is also mine, Tim, I just don't remember which one!

And yes, anyone who wishes to may put anything I have up on their websites. I'm all about making this stuff available for re-discovery.

I have thought about having the ABM reprinted. My copy is completely loose, the binding was toast when I got it so I was able to easily copy it. I just have too many other irons in the fire. 

Thank you for the heads-up, Tim.  The clubhouse has been an invaluable resource for me and just about everyone else around here!

I know we're all sorry to see it go, but by golly Tim, thanks so much for putting it up in the first place!

I found the Clubhouse before I even found this site so I think it can ultimately be held accountable for all the 

fun I've had with this music in the last few years. I guess I'd better check and see if there's anything there I haven't already downloaded. Merry Christmas to all from a very green Ontario. (Does anyone out there have snow?

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