Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I was about to order Do Dah Day on Amazon but wondered if anyone had an opinion regarding the book or any other recommendations for a good book on Foster.

How 'bout it Mark Weems?   I think you have done a bit of research on the topic.  

Do you have any suggestions?

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It is pretty good, but you should get it from the library, that's what I did.  It is not one to own.

"America's Troubadour" is good, I got a used copy from the 50s I think. 

His brother wrote a book about him that I have not read yet.


It's a good general biography but contains errors frequently made by non-historians trying to write history - too much theorizing and speculation to try to make what should have been a hundred page book into 250 pages. The problem with Foster is that upon his death, his family burned almost all of his correspondence in order to cover up certain elements of his personal life. So many of the primary documents that would have produced a more accurate reflection of the man, are simply lost to us.

Thanks Mark.  I will be ready for the speculation.  And thanks, also to Joel.  I remembered seeing the book on the shelves when (until Feb. 2011) I was a librarian.  The irony is that I don't really enjoy reading and usually fall asleep within ten minutes of trying.  That's why I thought I'd buy it.  It would probably be cheaper/easier than paying the overdue fine!   I'll keep an eye out for "America's Troubadour" as well

what pm, didn't get anything

Dan'l said:

Mark - See my PM to you.

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