Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Time to chip in and help pay for this site for another year

Hi everyone,

It is time to chip in to help pay for this site for another year.   We need about $230.  There is a widget at the bottom of the left hand side of this page to in which you can contribute.


Thank you for your support!

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I'm in! Just need a few days to let Paypal funds clear. People should know that although we think this should be free, it just isn't, so we pay the piper. This, by the way, is not the "high end" plan. With that plan, you may put videos directly on the site ( as oppsed to embedding them from youtube) and put up MP3 files. I don't think the lack of either has hurt us, and  is not worth the $550.00 or whatever to have it. If everybody ( or many of us) chip in $15.00, $20.00  or so, we will be there in no time. Of course, we still need the fabulous fundraising videos of the Bells' in Canada!!  

Yep, this site is a great resource - it's really hard to get any kind of online community off the ground, and I'm happy to kick in a few bucks to keep this one going.  


Why don't I see the widget?
Once we have paid up for the next year, it has been suggested that we change our color scheme for the site.  Are there any suggestions?
Let's just start trying some...we will wait for approval applause or groans of disgust. It seems as easy as FrontPage to use. 
I would like to contribute, but I'm not a fan of PP. Can I send a check or MO?
Do we get a coffee mug? Or at least a styrofoam cup with "Minstrel Banjo" written on the side in magic marker? :-)

Greg Adams will put his voice on your answering machine at the $50.00 level.


Wow! I can't wait. I'll erase Carl Kassel's voice to make space for Greg's!
OK - I want a shirt that says 'Got Gut?'
The colour scheme seems to have changed already, or is it just me that has missed it until now ?

John Masciale said:
Once we have paid up for the next year, it has been suggested that we change our color scheme for the site.  Are there any suggestions?
I decided to start playing around a little.  Hopefully this is a little less glaring.  Feedback is appreciated.

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