Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Hey, who is coming to the Early Banjo Blow Out in June??? I have registered, after missing it last year. Hoping for a good turnout! Anybody, at any level is welcome to this event. It turned my perspective upside down when I attended the first one  a few years back. If anything, you will know that you are not alone with this crazy hobby. Anybody need a link for the application?

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I'm through my backlog for the first time in over a year (a blessing and a curse), which means i will finally have time to build some instruments for myself, which means I am planning to be there. I will be driving down to Richmond in May, so two long trips southward in one month may be pushing it for me a little, but still. . .
Andy, Dena, Jay, it's great that you guys are coming.  I'm looking forward to meeting all the new attendees.  We'll miss Marc (can't imagine a gathering without him) but the collective enthusiasm and scholarship in early banjo is amazing; and we jam extentively, too.  I hope Dr. Bob will be joining us?
Thanks Carl!

Carl Anderton said:
Andy, Dena, Jay, it's great that you guys are coming.  I'm looking forward to meeting all the new attendees.  We'll miss Marc (can't imagine a gathering without him) but the collective enthusiasm and scholarship in early banjo is amazing; and we jam extentively, too.  I hope Dr. Bob will be joining us?
Yes, Carl, I will be there. If a good bunch of new attendees make plans to come, I can once again bring a selection of original period banjos to display. Tim, it will be good to have you with us again; and now that you have video recorded many hundreds (is it over 700 now??!) of banjo pieces out of the tutors, I think you should do a presentation on what you have learned in the process of tackling all of those tunes. I even have a catchy title for you: "Confessions of a Compulsive Stroker" (lol). Marc, we will miss your smile , your enthusiasm, and your knowledge. And I am hoping to see lots of new faces.
We haven't heard from Jim Dalton for a while, he would be a great asset at our little shindig. Jim, you out there? Come to the gathering!

I will be there for the first time, I cant wait to go.


I will be there.  Last year was my first year at the gathering and I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of it.  I have recently completed construction of two, new, period inspired minstrel banjos of my own design and I will bring them to show.  Can't wait.


Don't know if myself or the other Camptown Shakers will be able to attend. Still working on June plans, maybe. Dave Culgan
Little late to be putting together the June schedule!!  Just kidding.  I sure hope you guys can attend all or a part of the git-down.  Love me some Camptown Shakers.

Ol' Dan Tucker said:
Don't know if myself or the other Camptown Shakers will be able to attend. Still working on June plans, maybe. Dave Culgan

Sorry I cannot attend...injured my left hand..no music playing for the next 3-4 weeks.....sigh....



I am a new transplant to Ontario. Does that count?

Tim Twiss said:
CANADA??? Are you represented here??
Oh my, the registration material must have gotten buried in here somewhere.  That is not a bad thing at all.  I will repost.  Time is getting short, and we still have a few spaces left.  We have some new folks registered as well as some old timers.  Boy have we got a weekend for ya'll!  I'll be posting the "final" itinerary soon. 

Tim Twiss said:

Contact Susan(she is a member on this site) to register.

Susan Rosenvold pryeducation@civilwarmed.org



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