Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

The contact here at the Museum will be Susan Rosenvald.  She can be reached at education@civilwarmed.org.  Here is the basic outline. 


We will be happy to have campers there on the night of the 27th!


Banjo Conference

Pry House Field Hospital Museum, Antietam National Museum, Maryland


August 28-29, 2010

Saturday starting at 8:30am

Sunday starting at 9:00am to 12:00pm




8:30am            Check-in, coffee and pastries

9:00                 Lecture (speaker TBD)

10:15  `            Jam Session and mentor Sessions

11:30               Lunch

12:30-2:00pm Demonstrations—Banjo making and minor repairs, George Wunderlich

2:15                 Presentation

4:00                 Concert preparation

5:00-6:30         Concert

6:30-9:00         Participant Show & Tell – jam or see the town

9:00pm-8:00am Camping in Pry barn and house



9:00am            Planning meeting

9:30                 Jam Session

11:30               Wrap-up


Call for papers deadline July 1, 2010


Participant Show & Tell: Participants can share new tunes, techniques, research, resources, etc.  Must pre-register to present.


Pre-register by downloading form on Facebook page, calling Susan Rosenvold at 301-695-1864 or by email at pryeducation@civilwarmed.org


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Which Facebook page?
The museum has a Facebook page. Do a search for the National Museum of Civil War Medicine on Facebook or you can call
Susan and she will take care of it.
i plan to be there
George Wunderlich said:
The museum has a Facebook page.

It does, but there's nothing on it about AEBG 3. Probably the phone would be better. Or those little flags.
T minus 30 days and counting. Anyone booked their hotel yet? Joel, you decided who you want to pick you up or are you renting a U-Haul to bring all the thimbles along?
Does anyone have opinions about good places to stay around there?
It's hard hard to beat "The Barn" for non-stop fun. Prepare for haunted snoring and various odd night-sounds. I have also stayed in Hagerstown...lots of discount places there. Hardly put my head on the pillow for want of getting back to the action.
I would recommend bringing a bedroll and throwing down on the floor of the Pry Barn. The benefits of this arrangement include--unlimited jamming...I mean, seance time; no DUI possibility if you like to have a snort while you play, and; jovial camaraderie.

However, if unpreventable circumstances make throwing down impractical, then...I can't help you. I always throw down.

Joel Hooks and I have decided to start our weekend a little early. I'm picking him up from Thurgood Marshall International Airport in Baltimore on Wed. the 25th. We will leave there straightaway for Downingtown, Pennsylvania to visit the grave of S. S. Stewart. Leaving there we will head up to Elmira, NY to visit Frank and Harriet Converse's gravesite, and have a look around. Thursday morning we will finish up in Elmira then head south to Gettysburg, to see the town and play street music in the evening. (I've done that before and it's very lucrative). Friday afternoon we'll head to the Gathering.

Anyone is welcome to join us at any part of this side trip. Elmira should be quite interesting as it was not only FBC's boyhood home but Mark's Twain's summer home as well (his wife Olivia was born there) and they're all in interred in Woodlawn National Cemetery. And Gettysburg is, of course, ground zero for 19th century living history.
Ack! That side trip sounds great! (as does AEBG III of course).

Please take lots of pictures to share with those of us who can't be there! :)
Wow! Carl, that sounds like an awesome trip. You and Joel will have soooo much fun!

I've been wandering thru Ancestry.com lately and found both Stewart and Converse in the 1880 census. Are they listed in a gravesite registry somewhere?
Carl, we have to have a video of you and Joel playing at SSS's grave...

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