Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Anyone feel like reviving the Tune Of The Week?

We pick one....post music, tabs, videos etc. Discuss it.

Anyone up for it?

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I guess you could highlight the websites/YouTube addresses and paste them into the internet if you want to see/hear them.

I guess th2e problem has to do woth the parenthesese in the url. I managed to get there doing some tricks of copy/paste, but if I paste here, I bet it does the same thing. well, lets see: http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/h?ammem/amss:@field(DOCID+@lit(as100140))%22

Go to levy's. We have a link here on resources. There are 2 versions there. Also, google LOC and there are lyrics there.

Ok, I'm still trying to understand why when i google images for "Alabama Joe"+broadside....  I get: pictures of Martin Luther King, and guys with rifles in wheelchairs posing with dead deer and moose.   (wtf?? scary)   lolol   . just when you thought it was safe to go back on the internet...


This is good. 2 version...grapes and lyrics.

Hmm...well I guess there'll be lots of "fellers" in that one.    =8-\

Here's a contrafact of "Wet Sheet And A Flowing Sea"...or "Alabama Joe".  It's from 1848, undoubtedly to assist Zachary Taylor in his bid for the Presidency.


We had a short discussion about Alabama Joe/Trelawney/Song of the Western Men in January of 2012. Has anyone come across an attribution for the minstrel lyrics.  The tunes are no doubt the same, but who wrote the minstrel lyrics?  And, was the tune picked up by the minstrels as they toured Great Britain; or, from Cornish miners who migrated to the U.S. (Wisconsin -1830s; New Jersey -mid-1850s;  Tennessee and Alabama - 1850ish?

Any other thoughts?

(P.S. --Oops,  just saw the sheet music Tim posted attributing the lyrics to R.W. Smith. Still begs the question where/how he picked up the tune

Can anybody shed light on who the Guinea Minstrels were?

Another attempt which I think will work.

Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea.........


Another version of Trelawney........


That is a great one. Listing the tunes...what a great set. And there it was...Alabama Joe. Thayer!
Wes Merchant said:

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