Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Heads up....as some of you remember last year, I brought a bunch of recordings of early banjo material...I had everything from Briggs to the Converse 1865. I sold them cheap...cash only. I'm going to do it again this year, but have added a few things. I have the entire Buckley 1868, and plan to do the Converse 1872 "Banjo And How to Play It". Also, will bring a teaser of the Kerr's ....a short sampler and some tabs for free.

Just letting you all know....so you can help fill this gas tank from Michigan ...ha ha.

I need pre-order info to have enough on hand. Last year, I was blessed to have sold out.

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Yes, Tim's recordings are a great way to get all these tutor tunes in your head while driving around etc. and make them much easier to learn when you get ready to. Were glad Tim is coming again from so far away!

I think I have them through Converse 1865.  I'll purchase the ones I don't have.  That should get you to Toledo!

(How many discs altogether for Buckley 1868, Converse 1872 and Kerr's, and how much per disc?)

(And echoing what Mark said: Tim's recordings are an invaluable resource for both getting acquainted with and learning material from the tutors.)

Get this.....for my AEBG comrades only five bucks each, or the entire 12 CD collection for $50.00.

CRAZY DEAL....for good recordings. Many uses....if anyone has insomnia, they will knock you out with their homogenous fluidity. Played as written. Buy all 12....I throw in "Grape Vine Twist".

They are:

Briggs in 2 volumes

Rice 1858

Buckley 1860 in 3 volumes

Yellow Converse

Green Converse in 2 volumes

Buckley 1868 in 2 volumes

Converse 1872

I'll take the last three titles (5 CDs).  I can drop off $25 cash at the store if they are ready for purchase.

Thanks Al. Stop by and pick them up at the shop. Pay me in the barn when I deliver the last one...Converse 1872.

Al Smitley said:

I'll take the last three titles (5 CDs).  I can drop off $25 cash at the store if they are ready for purchase.

Hey Tim -- Put me down for the Converse '72.  Thanks!  I can't tell you how much your recordings have facilitated my learning of the tutor tunes -- and how much I greatly appreciate that!

I'd like the Buckley 1868 volumes, and Converse 1872.  Thanks very much for making these available!

So noted, as with the other replies. I'll post a master list to confirm before I pull out of my driveway in June.

I think I have all of them through Buckley 1868, but I'd love to buy Converse 1872.

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