Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I was going to post something but the video works fine in Vegas (the software I used to make it) but the audio is skewed in the rendered version.  I would save it directly to YouTube but am concerned that it, too, would have the audio skewed.

Can someone tell me if I can delete something in YouTube once I send it there?

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Yes, I have deleted something I had posted.

Under 'Your Channel' - click on 'Video Manager'. 

Your files are listed - check off the one to delete and select delete.

Barb is correct.

Also- when you upload a vid to Youtube, after it finishes loading, it then starts 'processing'...and that can take up to an hour during busy times.  I've had it happen that my audio/video were slightly off-sync after loading to YT- before the 'processing' was finished- but then was fine when all done.  You can keep track of a lot via your Video Manager page. 

Ok, thanks.  I proceeded but now it wants a user name and password.  Is this something new?

I've uploaded a few things in the past but don't recall this and I can't find where I enter a user name/password.

Can you find your videos that are on YT already?  Can you go to one of them and see your YT username?   Can you then click on that to go to your YT Channel?  If so, are you showing as logged in when on your channel page? (your name shows top right) 

What browser do you use?- you could look up the PW it may have stored for your YT account...

Ok. Thanks for all the advice.  The .AVI version was skewed.  I tried saving it as an .MP4 and it seemed to work better, and somehow I saved it to YouTube without the username/password.  Sometimes I am able to do things and I have no idea how I did it.......which doesn't make it easy for the next time I try!

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