Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I hate when I make mistakes in writing out music or TAB and don't notice until I've sent it.

I hope this one is more accurate.  I've fixed the obvious mistake and changed some of the fingering to reduce position shifts.

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Sorry to make such a mess of this.  How the heck do I load an attachment?  I've done it before but can't seem to figure it out now.  Probably doesn't help that it's 3:45 am.


Since John wrote out the original score in G/D, and I'm working on my E/A note reading I rewrote it in E/A last night. Mainly to see how accurate my scoring program (Musescore) would transpose it.

Since it seemed to do a pretty good job of it, I thought I would see how my tab program would work. So it seemed to work OK, and after a little tweaking here is what I got.

So here is another Jenny Lind based on the original notation that John provided. No embellishments, you'll have to figure that out for yourself


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