Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

In my research on the song "De Ole Tare River", I've come across a reference to the Negro Songsters' Own Book, (1846) but can't find it, or any information about it online. Does any one have any info about this volume or have a copy? It supposedly has the original version of de ole tar river in it as sung by the Virginia Minstrels which is quite different lyrically from what I already have from a few years later. 

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I don't know about that songbook, but I did find this on Levy.  Is this the one you seek? 

Levy Call Number: Box 020, Item 118

Title:  Sweeny's Virginy Melodies. Ole Tare River. Date:  1840

Hi Silas,

No, this is the one we all know about already, but thanks anyhow.

oops! It's actually called the Negro Singers Own Book!

I see there's a copy at the Yale University library.  Might be the only one in existance because no other libraries have a copy.  "Hello, interlibrary loan..."

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