Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I had a vision...performance art. This tune, Van Bramer's Jig-get a lot of people to play it, but build it a little at a time. Imagaine 20 people playing it, including percussion. Start with a single player and add one or 2 each round. Simply build the intensity each time around. It's such a cool and hypnotic melody, with a crazy syncopated groove.

Anyway, I know it won't happen, but that was what  I saw when I was just playing it.


I hope this forum discussion is a free associating display of idea....as we wind into the June gathering.

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It is possible to pitch a small modern tent somewhere? That is good news


As far as I know a modern tent can indeed go back in the woods out of sight.  We would need Susan to confirm that, but I believe some of the participants from S. Carolina brought a modern tent last year.  

I will be staying about fiffteen miles from Antietam in Martinsburg WV at my wife's cousin's house. If it came down to it, I'm sure we could park a tent or two there... Although I am also considering taking along my tent for camping at Antietam :-)

I think camping at Antietam is amazing!!!  (But I like camping) - you wake up in the morning, are at the actual Federal headquarters, see the morning haze clear off the battlefield from the overlook....   Plus, I don't have to deal with snoring in the barn. :)

I might have a claim to earliest departure this year.  I leave momentairly for Drexel, Mo., to pick up John Allin, and thence the 17 hour drive to Gettysburg.  See you all Friday if not before!

Safe Travels Carl! 

Well If Carl has the earliest departure, I might have the latest - I'm less than 5 minutes from the barn. If anyone needs directions to the ice cream shop in town just let me know, only 3 doors from my house! Safe travels everyone

Oh man, you are close! See you there.

...annnd I'll bet I'm the last one to return home, 1300 hours CST.  Had a blast, loved seeing everyone.

Carl Anderton said:

I might have a claim to earliest departure this year.  I leave momentairly for Drexel, Mo., to pick up John Allin, and thence the 17 hour drive to Gettysburg.  See you all Friday if not before!

Glad you made it back safely. Does the Mini have Auto-Pilot yet?

Happy to hear that all are home safely.  I miss everybody already!

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