Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

My life is a mess...sorry ffor the long delay guys.  Here is a bit of an update.


Susan is on top of things here at the museum and can help you with camping, registration and local information on hotels and such. 


At this time we have Carl, Dr. Bob Winans and myself doing presentations.  We have some interesting "show and tell" subjects.  I will bring my workshop and have it in a tent outside for repairs and a repair "worshop" to help all of you with questions and such. 


We will have a concert fo the public at the house and we are also able to take a "field trip" and play in the Dunker Church if you all want!


If you have not yet contactted Susan Rosenvald yet, please do so we can get a count.  I will nto turn away anyone at the door but a count is really helpful. 


Susan's e-mail is pryeducation@civilwarmed.org  you can also call her at 301 695 1864.


Hope to see you all soon!  I can't wait. 


PS.  I will have bridges and some strings.  I  will be teaching thimble making so you can make your own and I will bring the brass and supplies. 

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I hate to ask a silly question (but I'm so good at it), but is this a one day, two day, Saturday, Sunday event or what?

I am inquiring as to a pseudo-itinerary...
This schedule was on a previous forum posting. I imagine it's still mostly true:

We will be happy to have campers there on the night of the 27th!

Banjo Conference
Pry House Field Hospital Museum, Antietam National Museum, Maryland

August 28-29, 2010
Saturday starting at 8:30am
Sunday starting at 9:00am to 12:00pm

8:30am Check-in, coffee and pastries
9:00 Lecture (speaker TBD)
10:15 ` Jam Session and mentor Sessions
11:30 Lunch
12:30-2:00pm Demonstrations—Banjo making and minor repairs, George Wunderlich
2:15 Presentation
4:00 Concert preparation
5:00-6:30 Concert
6:30-9:00 Participant Show & Tell – jam or see the town
9:00pm-8:00am Camping in Pry barn and house

9:00am Planning meeting
9:30 Jam Session
11:30 Wrap-up

Lucas Bowman said:
I hate to ask a silly question (but I'm so good at it), but is this a one day, two day, Saturday, Sunday event or what?
I am inquiring as to a pseudo-itinerary...
I'll be there with Joel Hooks by Friday afternoon. I imagine there will be others there by then, too. I'll be ready to jam into the night.

Lucas Bowman said:
I hate to ask a silly question (but I'm so good at it), but is this a one day, two day, Saturday, Sunday event or what?

I am inquiring as to a pseudo-itinerary...
I'll be around on Friday afternoon/evening. I think Bob Winans will also be around on Friday night to hang out and jam as well.
Rob, what scale length did did you get? Same hardware?
Tim Twiss said:
Rob, what scale length did did you get? Same hardware?

About so long. Hardware? What's that? I just asked Jim to do what he does best.
Here are some shots of my Hartel (for Rob, and anybody else that plays his) . Scale length 25.5" per my request, which Jim did perfectly, and lined up the ogees somehow to have good reference points. (Most of my videos do not show off these wonderful features.) Beautiful hardware design. (Jim should elaborate on his design) Rock hard, thick neck, flame soaring out of the design, which is set perfectly into the body. Of course, the classic headstock. The bridge is my own, (suger pine) modeled after Jeff Menzies 3 footer...I found this to be a key factor in the banjo performance. Notice the torque on the bridge. I find this to give optimum result...it never moves and does provide perfect tension. I hope you enjoy the pictures of the feet. (I didn't crop anything). Oh, and by the way, a most perfect peg fit. Never slips
I should be there Friday as well...depends on how far I make it on Thursday. I hope there's a soft spot in the barn where I can take a Friday afternoon nap!
We should be there on Friday as well. We'll be settin' up a tent. The weather forcast is sunny with a high of 85 for the whole weekend.
Have a good time this weekend, friends. I'm hoping someone will write a report for those of us unable to attend.

I generally do, Rob...well, only if the ning gods release me from the verbosity closet. ;-)
Here are a few pix from the latest AEBG (yesterday morning). There was an official Group Photo, but I didn't take it. These were a few of the many informal sessions of mentoring, jamming, discussion, and possibly commerce.

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