Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Greetings from the UK

So I think I may be ready to take the plunge and buy my first minstrel banjo! Living in the U.K means my options are restricted unless I import which adds extra postage & 23% duty!

Any recommendations and advice would be welcome.

Many thanks


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Possibilities.... flatfootjohnny.com or ballardbanjers.com Both makers are in the U.K.
Here's one of Ballard's banjos, played by Anthony: http://minstrelbanjo.ning.com/video/boston-jig-buckley-1860
Thanks Paul,

I'm aware of both these guys but I'm not sure if I can afford their prices! I appreciate, however, that I may have little choice.

Like your videos by the way.


Paul Draper said:
Here's one of Ballard's banjos, played by Anthony: http://minstrelbanjo.ning.com/video/boston-jig-buckley-1860
My first fretless banjo was a Prust. it was cheap and I played it for a good year and half before I got a Bell banjo. It isnt the best banjo by any means but it got me going in the right direction.

Prices start at $200 so it's low enough to where the shipping and 23% should still be less than the banjos by both UK makers.

Aaand if you stalk eBay the kits are sometimes even cheaper!

Thanks guys.

The Prust is on my radar as is the Gardner one that Tim did a review on. Andy Banjo in the UK also make a modern fretless banjo as do Deering but I'm not sure what to think about those.

Anther option is for me to wait until I come to the USA, next year and then bring one home with me as a "souvenir". That's a long time! 

Meantime I'll carry on with my starter banjo that I have put minstrel strings.  



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