Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Greetings from the UK

Is there a slow tempo video of Brigs Jig on here? I'm having trouble with the left hand and the alternate string pull off in bars 4 & 5.

Thanks in anticipation


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The open pull offs? I swear there was a video of Tim Twiss explaining it for alabama joe but I cannot find it but I will try and explain.

So put both fingers down on the fret board (1st finger on G, 3rd finger on C. assuming you are in briggs tuning). Strike the second string with your right hand, then pull off on first string without striking it (2 notes). Put third finger back on C. Strike first string with right hand and do a regular pull off on first string (2 notes). Then repeat.

Chris, I believe you are thinking of Mark Weems' video, here:


Chris Prieto said:

The open pull offs? I swear there was a video of Tim Twiss explaining it for alabama joe but I cannot find it but I will try and explain.

Nah it was a video of the left hand. But it might not even have been an open pull off tho haha

Thanks to both of you.

I've found Tim T's Converse General exercises #1 which covers it so will work on that. In part it's the combination of notes/techniques that's causing the problem but I guess I just need to take it slowly.


I did a short video for the left hand part there, but I recently deleted it.

Chris Prieto said:

Nah it was a video of the left hand. But it might not even have been an open pull off tho haha

Ahhhh! Maybe that was it!!

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