Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Okay, so who is getting their stuff packed and their car gassed up for the quest to AEBG in the barn this week??

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I too have a wife issue, an event scheduled by her family and a close group of high school friends. I would love to go to the gathering, but faced with ostracism, I guess I'll have to waut for next year.
I'm getting ready to fly back to MA from New Orleans, after which I'll make the drive down to AEBG.

We are coming.  The peghead on my banjo hit the floor and broke, but it is glued up and seems to be holding. 

John, if you end up in need a banjo you can use one of the two I'm bringing. It's small but plays well and is an original piece.

Nice offer to John but unless you're ambidextrous, it probably won't do the other John much good.

He's a lefty banjoist.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot! That fifth string peg would get in the way...

I'm bringing 3 banjos.  That ought to keep me playing.  Being a left handed player I have to make sure I have backups.

Safe travels everyone!

See ya tomorrow

Looking forward to a great weekend!

I wish I could be there. Safe travels everyone!

Looks like I'll be good to go in the AM.

My dog seems to be stabilized on the meds, 

See you there!

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