Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

A tune I made: "This Side of Jordan" from Brigg's Banjo Instruction.

It is not a video. It is a thing I put on Banjo Hangout.  I am working on making videos. I will try to add videos in future once I get the hang of it. Thank you for listening to this.

-Scott Danneker


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I heard it. That was tops. Nice work.

Thank you Tim.  You are an inspiration and your kind words mean lots to me.

Scott, that was a fine rendition.   That piece 'seems' pretty simple to play, but there's something about it I personally find a bit tricky to play, so... bravo!     :)

Thank you Lisa,

I have been playing more lately and I appreciate your compliment.  I shall be posting more tunes soon.

Cheers for now,


Oh, I have obtained a Bell Boucher Banjo kit.  I have wanted one to keep my Menzies company.  I have two minstrel banjos in the house now and my wife is thrilled!  Her name is Lisa too.

How wonderful!    :D

P.S. Scott, i have dyed/tinted many things in experiments over the years.  One thing i learned is that using tea will sometimes get you a tint that has a vaguely pinkish brown hue, whereas with coffee you always usually get more of a true brown.  Anyway, soak some white paper in it first and let the paper dry, and you'll then see the true difference.

Thanks Lisa, I have coffee.  Should I use regular or decaf?  Will instant work?



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