Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

t was set in an earlier discussion, but let/s look at "Bully For All" and "St. Patrick's Day".  There are a few versions posted here, and several more embedded deep within this site, and ou can find them if you use "search minstrel banjo" in the top right corner. Does anyone need access to tab or notes?

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I have the sheet music from the Converse books, but if there are tabs already in existance I would appreciate someone posting them or pointing me to where they can be found.  I have been trying to tab them myself on manuscript paper but can't seem to get it right.  I must be looking at something wrong as I am not too good at reading music at this time.

Here is tab for St Patrick's day. I left the original Converse RH fingerings "as is". I'm sure people will chime in as often the RH fingerings are ignored. Later Converse extensively fingered his music, but not here.

For this tune, rightly or wrongly, I usually use my thumb to play all the strings except the first string which is played with the finger.

I use lots of thumb too, but for that  fingerstyle version I posted.

Thanks Tim, I will get right on this tune.  If I compare your tab to mine I may be able to see where I got off track.  Much appreciated.

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