Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

This may be a stupid question. Oh Well.  I'm trying to play Dandy JIm from the Briggs banjo Instructor of 1855. My problem is I simply cannot play anything without hearing it first. I did a youtube search of it and all that comes up is Dandy Jim of Caroline. Is this the same tune?

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Yep, they are one and the same.  I'm not finding any on Youtube that are explicitly labeled as the Briggs arrangement, but you should be able to get the jist.

Carl Anderton has a video on Youtube titled "Dandy Jim of Caroline".

Tim Twiss posted a version here on the site in the video section "Dandy Jim of Caroline".

you can but the songs onesie twosie....http://timtwiss.com/musicstore/Briggs-1855-Volume-1-4-.htm

For a mere QUARTER....you can have the exact reproduction.

Thanks for that Tim!  Are those just MP3# Downloads? Can you get a disk?

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