Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

January 2013 Blog Posts (7)


Having posted these last few tunes, I just picked up the banjo and did a few that were among the first I did when I began videos in 2008. One new one...."Nelly Bly" with the guitar. It's a time to pause and reflect, and then of course to get on to the next thing.

The book release has been good, and I thank all of you that got it. Always to clarify, it is a Primer, and a book to:

  • Lay a solid foundation
  • Provide an entry level repertoire
  • Probe the future by…

Added by Tim Twiss on January 27, 2013 at 4:00pm — No Comments


I was going through some music looking for something new to play, and landed on General Burnside's Jig.

It only took a couple of bars to realize that I already knew it. It was a version of the tune that's also called The Octaroon Jig, and Emancipation Jig in a couple of other books - only a few notes different. (not any of the important ones)

Boston Jig aka Modoc Reel is another tune with multiple titles (there's at least one more for that too) It would be interesting to do a survey… Continue

Added by Ian Bell on January 23, 2013 at 8:04am — 6 Comments

Finished Bell Banjo Kit

Finally had the time over the holidays to finish one of Terry Bell's Boucher Banjo Kits.  I may not be as fine a wood worker or finisher as Terry, but I think it did turn out nicely.  And it plays like a dream. Anyone that sees or hears it is quite impressed. …


Added by Patrick Haas on January 16, 2013 at 2:26am — 6 Comments


I'm licking my chops.....looking at that Green Converse Book. When to start...? I seem to get posessed by it once I start, so I have to make sure the rest of life is in order first...ha ha.

I plan on that and the Buckley 1868 soon.

Added by Tim Twiss on January 13, 2013 at 6:34pm — 37 Comments

New Videos-Buckley

I'm putting up some new videos. When I was playing through the ttors a while back for videos, I thought I had all the tunes up. I seem to be missing some, so I created a few of these from the audio I did recently. Nothing fancy in the visual, but a static picture supports listening to the music.

Added by Tim Twiss on January 9, 2013 at 11:12pm — 1 Comment

Case for Banjo

I ended up with one extra case. It is an Access brand gig bag and has lots of support. Real stiff and protective. Like new. I even have a good shipping box to get it to you. Anybody interested, contact me and i'll give you a photo and dimensions. It won't fit a real long Minstrel.

Added by Tim Twiss on January 8, 2013 at 7:07am — No Comments


Thanks all, for visiting my site and taking advantage of the holiday download special. As usual, if you had (or have) any difficulty getting a tune or two, or if one was cut short, please let me know and I will send you the file right away. Don't forget to check out the Little Yellow Book by Converse. This material came out really well. Essential Stroke stuff...great tunes!

Also, on the site there are 11 original banjo books to download free. Thanks…


Added by Tim Twiss on January 4, 2013 at 8:27am — 4 Comments


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