Time: September 7, 2018 to September 9, 2018
Location: Appomattox Court House National Historical Park
Street: 111 National Park Drive
City/Town: Appomattox
Website or Map: http://www.nps.gov/apco
Phone: 434 352 8987 x.233
Event Type: festival
Organized By: David Wooldridge, Mark Weems, James Pentecost
Latest Activity: Sep 10, 2018
An opportunity to play early banjo music at historic Appomattox Court House where " the banjo passed from black hands to white hands."
Are the details for this event, I.e., suggested accommodations, times of activities, fees, etc., available yet?
just now seeing the date, loved it last year, and now that I know what to expect. I hope to be able to come once again.
Joel Sweeney Early Banjo Convergence
2018 Schedule
Fri. Sept. 7th
9-12 Early arrivals may check in as they arrive & enjoy
touring the park.
12 Camp opens for set up for period camping.
1-4 Mentoring sessions for banjo, bones, fiddle.
5-6 Supper
6-7 Gourd Gathering at Joe Sweeney’s gravesite.
7 Playing at the campsite fire.
Sat. Sept 8th
9-11 Playing on the Clover Hill Tavern Porch.
10:45 Joel Sweeney Day proclamation reading.
11-12 Going Beyond Briggs: Presentation by Paul Draper.
A look at a few Banjo and Guitar - Style pieces in Buckley
and Converse. While many tunes in Buckley and Converse are
meant to be played banjo - style, others can readily be played
either banjo or guitar – style, and still others are specifically
guitar – style pieces. This workshop will look at a few examples
of each.
12 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Singing with the Banjo: Mark Weems & Dave Culgan.
Thoughts on tuning, pitch and arrangements for singing with
the banjo. We will learn to play a piece or two using tab.
2:30-3:30 Concert preparation (solo or group).
3:30-5:00 Concert for the Public on the Clover Hill
Tavern Porch featuring the Sweeney Convergence Musicians.
5:00-6:30 Supper
6:30 An evening of music in the Sweeney Cabin.
Sun. Sept. 9th
9-10 Open session on Tavern porch.
10-11 Planning meeting with David Wooldridge.
11-4 Playing throughout historic village.
4:00 Period camping grounds closed.
Here is the tentative schedule for the Sweeney Convergence this year folks!
If you have questions, go ahead and field them and David or I will try to answer.
Here is a link to kick this event around with your social media friends.
I will be sleeping on-site in my car during the event, but I will be setting up my simple CW A-frame by the "campfire." It is available on first-come-first-serve basis to any who may wish to reside within during the event. It's still somewhat musty from Clifftop, but it will keep rain off through the night.
Last night, after a long illness, my wife's mother passed away. This was not an unexpected event. Her funeral will be held in Madison, FL on 8 September.
Scott, my condolences to your family.
Hi Scott - my condolences. Sorry you won't be making Appomattox.
I am sorry for your loss. Safe travels.
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