Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I'm glad some people jumped onto this idea. I'm inspired to post another one, staying on the tangent of solid banjo material that is overlooked. Here is one from Winner's 1883 penned by the respectedAl Bauer. He was an important figure in Early Banjo, and survived his military service in the Civil War to remain active in music. His "Banjoists's Budget" book has some of the quirkiest and catchiest melodies ( and titles ). Here is one called Zara Jig. It will present some challenges, but stays fairly simple. It will jump up high. It is written in 3 sharps ( key of A ). Play it on any banjo...any tuning, as long as you reference E as the thumb string. There are no fingerings, so be creative. I have worked out some for it, but I thought it would be fun to see how people treat it. It is equally at home as a Stroke tune...or Guitar style.

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cool! Ill do it tonight

Tim, I loved Zara Jig, Spot Waltz, Short Stop Jig, and I took the time to tab them all out and posted here.

Give us more tunes please, I will continue tabbing them out.


So, no more tunes of the week I guess!


I love tune of the week. It keeps me motivated. If anyone wants to suggest a new song I'm game :)

How about "Monymusk"? This would give people a chance to use some of the many versions. It also allows ear people to grab a version from somewhere. We can share tabs, notes, and sources. This is one of those "root" tunes that cannot be set at any fixed point, so many interpretations will be cool. Make it last all weeklong, starting today.

Plus...it is not too difficult. You can get it in a week.

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