Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

 I want to add one to my outfit. , or even one I have to tie,, anybody know a source or a pattern? 

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I just bought one that you tie yourself. I don't get the knot yet. I have 3 pre tied

Go to cornerclothiers


thanks Tim


There are some good sutlers out there who sell pretied cravats.  Here is a link to a friend's site:



There are some patterns out there if you want to sew them.  Contact Elaine, she might know some of them.  I tend to tie my own using a very simple approach (which was used).  My ties tend to be similar to bow ties, and I tie them using the shoe lace knot.   I have to confess, I make "bunny ears" when tying my ties.  Just keep the idea of a square knot in mind, the first is left over right, and then the actual tie knot with the ears should be right over left.

Steve and Tim--It's easy. You hold the tie in front of you and toss the two ends over your shoulders so they are loose in the back of you.  Pull the ends around your neck in opposite directions so they are loose in front of you.  Tie the first half of a square knot.  That's it--Rob

I'll second Tim and John's suggested vendors! 

my daughter 17 was the costume mistress in drama last year,, shes a good seamstress, I may get her to sew me on over Easter holiday. Im sure Ill have to pay her though :) but shes a good worker .

I just need a pattern now,

If you want to have one made, one of the best civil war sewing sites is the sewing academy.  I've included a link to one of their discussions on cravats, and where to get patterns.



I might add that James Country Mercantile (referenced in the above link) carries a number of high quality patterns and items, including now our book!

Okay..I'm gonna tie me a knot!

Rob Morrison said:

Steve and Tim--It's easy. You hold the tie in front of you and toss the two ends over your shoulders so they are loose in the back of you.  Pull the ends around your neck in opposite directions so they are loose in front of you.  Tie the first half of a square knot.  That's it--Rob

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