Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

We see a great concentration on a large body of Minstrel Tunes, but nobody seems to have ever tried the opera stuff that was so often done in parody. The Buckleys did much of this. That would certainly be unexplored territory. I thought of this while looking at a tune in the new Converse book....."Children of Haymon" by Balfe. He wrote The Bohemian Girl, which included Marble Halls. Anybody got some of this stuff on the burner....or would like to try it?  

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The Red Clay Ramblers do a spoof on the opera Pagliacci which ducuments some country people who stumbled into the theatre by mistake, and their take on the opera in their song "Pal-Ya-Chee". listen to a bit below:


...composed by Spike Jones!   :D

Homer & Jethro perform with Spike Jones...


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