Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

 I feel like I made signifigant progress with Juba this weekend. Will continue it.

Can you suggest a next in line of difficulty to learn?   I realize Coon Hunt  and Jim Along Josey are NOT beginner tunes. As much as I like them ,, I need to walk before I try to run.

 Thank You


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Steve, there are some materials you might find useful here. Look up "Harpers Ferry" or the discussion "Getting Started" and you will find some material in tab, with videos to demonstrate. They are tunes you can certainly be going after. Jim Along might surprise you. There are several Briggs' tunes, as well as a couple of good ones from Converse and Buckley. All easy to play. If you can't find or access, let me know. 

Thank You!  For other newbs like myself that may come along

Old Dan Tucker   and Jim Along Josey



Im going for Jim Along

Thanks Steve for the link.  I have been working on Juba and the movements from the Harpers Ferry book and have been wanting to move to the next song.  I'll be working on Old Dan Tucker and Jim Along Josey now that I can hear what they should sound like....again thanks for the link! 



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