Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I just realized that my Bell has a 27'' scale length and the Hartel I ordered has a 26'' scale length.  Who here has experience switching between scale lengths, and is it a problem? 

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Personally, the more often I switch around, the less it seems to be an issue.  My fingers do seem to 'self-correct' on their own after a few initial sour notes.   ;)

What is/was the scale on the original Boucher Minstrel banjo?  Does it matter that Bell’s is 27” and that Hartel’s is 26”? I’m thinking about getting Bell’s Boucher Minstrel banjo kit and wonder a little about the authenticity of the scale. I do like the idea that apparently the dips and points of the ogee correspond to fret locations. 

All of my banjos differ too (Bell Stichter, Gardner Boucher, and Carver gourdie w/ ogee neck). I like playing different tunes on each one because of the scale length (finger stretch/hand movement) and string spacing, plus some songs just sound better on different banjos. Like Strum, it takes a couple minutes for adjustment, but no big deal. Takes care of itself that few minutes of warm up...hence the need for more banjos!!! Lol

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