Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Nothing compelling here. 

Just thought I'd break the silence before it reached the 24 hour mark!

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Here's one I was looking at. Unfortunately Ira Ford doesn't provide any History in his book so I have no way to date it before 1940. I put in a version in E in case any intrepid banjoist wish to try it. I have a metronome app on my phone that I can set to 5/4 and that is a big help when trying to make sense of something like this. F is the original key.

Well, that's obviously the same one I posted but altered, somewhat and condensed.  I got it from "The Home Circle Collection of Piano-Forte Music", 1859.

Yes I can see that. They really got a nice swing to them once you get the feel.

Here's an additional monkey wrench.  I started going through "Home Circle" for more 5/4 waltzes and this 2/4 waltz came into view.  As I started to play around on it, I immediately recognized it as one that I have a recording of (somewhere).  I suppose the high parts could be played an octave lower but I'm trying to get comfortable in the 3rd position and this one isn't as difficult as some.

Oh, I didn't include the 4th part.

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