Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

  Im interested on yalls opinions on these two.  I only have the tackheads Ive built. I used poplar for neck, and block rims of pine.

I don't have as much tone and volume as Id like. I listen to Dave Culgan and my banjo doesn't have that same snap.  I realize I cannot play like him,, but it the tone Im talking about.

Does a bracket minsterel banjo just have more snap and volume? , or is my tackhead lack there of, just possibly due to me using a softer wood.  I want to make a cd to sell at folk fest and stuff down here. But Im not sure if I can get the tone I want out of my banjo.  Just wondering if its worth the trouble to build another tackhead with maple or something akin to it.

thanks Steve

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dowel holes cut with drill and knife

  Id love to see the banzas
Chris Prieto said:

iHaha yeah I been making my own these days too. I'm finishing up my second one, need to carve up a tailpiece and nut. I'm also making a bunch of tater tot banzas for my niece and some other friends kids (ages 2-5) due to me ordering many gourds that were too small. I will post pics once I get em wrapped up.

Steve Jeter said:

should have got a JETER gourd when I was trying to sell for 200.00  they aren't fancy lookin, but sound pretty good lol

Steve Jeter said:

  Id love to see the banzas

Yet another choice statement to live by.

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