Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I just posted the American Experience episode of Stephen Foster from 2001, which I found on YouTube.  I was trying to include the text, "I saw this 20+ years ago. I never understood why, when other episodes of American Experience are available for online purchase, this one is not. This morning, I was surprised to stumble upon it on YouTube, however. "  I don't know what went wrong and don't know how to correct or delete it.  Sorry

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Thank you for the link, Al.  I had not seen this. 

I tried to start a new discussion just to say hi, but I only get site errors.

Trying out this Reply to an existing discussion, to see if anything still works here. Looks like this site might be dead now?

Anyway... Hi.

Hi Strumelia! Nice to hear from you. I haven’t been here in a while.

I still check the site and have, in my mind, that I will post in the future.

I still check the site. Good to see some others who are still around. Hi y'all!

Strumelia said:

I tried to start a new discussion just to say hi, but I only get site errors.

Trying out this Reply to an existing discussion, to see if anything still works here. Looks like this site might be dead now?

Anyway... Hi.

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