Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

How about doing a tune where the banjo part doesn't seem to go well with the vocal? There are three that come to mind - Gal with the Blue Dress On, Picayune Butler, and Jenny Get Your Hoe Cake. I have a devil of a time trying to sing the tune while playing the published lines, so I alter things to make the song work for me. I'd be curious to see how people do these.

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Where can I get the Ayers recording?
John Masciale said:
Where can I get the Ayers recording?
A large amount of luck is involved. I got mine years ago at a local music store, a large amount of luck being involved. I'll go on record and state that Joe Ayers is a trife mercurial...and his recorded material is not always easy to get ahold of.
Well, is the Friday Post dead, or shall we go at it again?
Tim Twiss said:
Well, is the Friday Post dead, or shall we go at it again?
How about Dobson's "Chicago Jig?" I don't know why I thought of it. Let's dedicate it to the Cubbies throwing off that jinx this year.
Anything for the cubbies...
Tim Twiss said:
Well, is the Friday Post dead, or shall we go at it again?
Oops, Tim already laid this one down. How 'bout choosing another one from the Dobson, Tim?
Go for it Carl...got company and not much time to browse. Dobson...okay?
If you can't scan and post, just pick it and I'll do it tonight.
Well, how about "Campbell Jig"? Looks interesting, not difficult, and contians several of our "motifs" that we are familiar with. This is from the Dobson Book.

Carl Anderton said:
Tim Twiss said:
Well, is the Friday Post dead, or shall we go at it again?
Oops, Tim already laid this one down. How 'bout choosing another one from the Dobson, Tim?
One more idea. I posted "Woodpile" from the Dan Emmett Manuscript. Cool tune...also in Ryans. It has some interesting syncopated figures.
I think Campbell's looks a little easier and less incindiary. Everybody cool with choosing that one?
I think they are both a challenge, but Campbell's is OK with me.
Okay by me for Campbells.
Has anybody ever seen more tunes by E.M. Hall? Maybe in the SS Stewart Journals?
Is this the Hall of Ha'll's Jig in Buckley?
I really liked that tune. Some guys can really grab the essence of a good banjo song all around.

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