Let's look at Durang's Hornpipe for our next tune of the week. It has been documented back to the Revolutionary War, and is found in many 19th century primmers, and is still heard today, mostly by flatpickers and fiddlers.
There are many versions of this tune, so let's not necessairly follow the Ryan's version given here. Do a google search, listen to youtube versions, and create what you feel is a satisfying and appropriate version for the fretless minstrel banjo.
This Tune of the Week thing is such good exercise, I hope we can keep it going and more people jump in. We've got four, that's pretty good, who'll make it a quintet? Oh, and we should take turns choosing the tune; John, why don't you pick the next one?
My pianist made a funny comment, when I told her what I was doing with the tune we recorded--"Deadlines are good things!"