Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Anybody else playing these? One thing for sure, you don't mix tunes from this book up with anything else.

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It's one of my favourite books. He seems to have a different voice from all the other composers and arrangers for our instrument. There's a strong Irish influence, some Gilbert & Sullivan, and the old minstrel style updated. A collection with real character.
I haven't taken a stab at any of the tunes yet, but this book has got some very entertaining titles. The "Mastodon Clog" conjures up an interesting picture, and the "Good Enough Irish Reel" had me looking for a "Barely Adequate Hornpipe" to play along with it. I guess i may have to write one.
I know Carl used to post some articles by him written well after the Civil War. Seems like he was a fellow that passed through a great expanse of time with perspective.
Since it hasn't actually been mentioned: you guys are talking about one A. Baur, whose collection (the subject of this thread) seems to date from 1883. That part of the discussion took place under one of Tim's videos, and will disappear from the "Main" page in about one more day.


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