Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Hello Friends: I'm new here and I really am happy I found you all. I appreciate the learning materials that are available here. I could use a bit of guidance. I'm having  difficulty with the Briggs Book. I refer  to page 10 the remarks about playing chords. The instructions regarding playing a chord with one finger and the back of the thumbnail totally escapes me.

I am an ABSOLUTE ENTRY LEVEL beginner. Should I be starting somewhere else rather than the Briggs Book?

Any advice , warnings , war stories etc gratefully received


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Hi Ron. Look at 1:00 into this clip (or anybody else who has posted this tune). It is the clearest example of what you are asking about.
Thank You Sir I really understand now. I appreciate your help.

Thank you for posting this. I understand now too! It is really helpful being new to be able to see and hear the songs played.

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