Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

For Sale: David Prat Gourd Banjo and Jeff Menzies tackhead

Hey there,

    I recently bought a David Prat fretless bottle gourd banjo. It's a great banjo but I can't find a physically comfortable way of playing it. It's got a wenge neck, goatskin head(s), geared violin-like tuners. It's currently strung with Chris Sands nylon strings. I would switch to Minstrel nylgut strings. The scale is about 26." 

    I also have a Jeff Menzies tackhead banjo that I've had for some time and played a lot. It's got a 4th string buzz which might be nut-related. Jeff sent me a new nut but I never got around to changing it. The headstock is typical minstrel style, similar to the gourd banjo.

    I am happy with my Bell minstrel banjo and I MUST get some instruments out of here. 

Prices are negotiable. You can use my personal email, which is: judithrstern@gmail.com



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