Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Does anyone know how best to get in touch with Terry Bell? I've called him for several weeks at the number listed on his website, and emailed him also. I'm hoping he's ok.

If someone has better information on how to contact him I would greatly appreciate it!


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I had communication issues the last banjo/coffin I had made for me and he got back to me once I opened up a dispute with paypal. I was really bummed to do it but I really had no alternative.

I think once you open dispute paypal holds the money hostage till he provides a functional tracking number. That said the banjo and coffin he made are lovely.

Best of luck to ya :)

Thanks for your feedback.  Unfortunately, that's not an option for me.  I sent him my banjo back in April.  I had purchased it from him originally several years ago.  It needed an easy fix and he said he would be glad to help me at no charge. Super nice of him to offer that...but now I can't get him to respond to emails or phone calls.  It's going on five months now and I'd really like to have my banjo back.  I'm going through withdrawals :)

Awww man that is lame. I hope you hear back from him soon :(

I hope he's ok, but at this point, I'm about to start calling the police in the town where he is to see if someone has reported him missing....

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