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May 2021
The Sanford JigvideoThe Sanford Jig4 LikesThe New NegrovideoThe New Negro3 LikesF5B3594F-B2A3-4926-978E-07ACA33AAAF9photoF5B3594F-B2A3-4926-978E-07ACA33AAAF92 Likes4B1F7A5B-693F-4704-800E-10D771BA6648photo4B1F7A5B-693F-4704-800E-10D771BA66482 LikesA96FB93D-471E-4933-B375-F88796BE0BCFphotoA96FB93D-471E-4933-B375-F88796BE0BCF1 Like
April 2021
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February 2021
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January 2021
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November 2020
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October 2020
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September 2020
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Buckley’s Green Corn JigvideoBuckley’s Green Corn Jig3 LikesJapanese Grand MarchvideoJapanese Grand March4 LikesAnother take on Converse's 1865 Funeral March...played on a fretted, concert pitch banjo with suitably dirge-like drums and Mellotron strings.
Funeral March by Capharnaum County Magicians Society
Also, do let me know if modern takes are unwa…DiscussionAnother take on Converse's 1865 Funeral March4 Likes