Coon Hunt Walk Around - The Bee Gum ReelvideoCoon Hunt Walk Around - The Bee Gum Reel8 Likes
August 2015
Ole Tare RivervideoOle Tare River6 LikesCarolinaChocolateDrops Interview- Bones and…I thought this was an interesting vid to watch...hadn't seen it before.
Especially the first part about the bones, and the later talk about racism in minstrel era music.DiscussionCarolinaChocolateDrops Interview- Bones and…4 LikesArtistic JigvideoArtistic Jig1 Like
July 2015
Philadelphia JigvideoPhiladelphia Jig7 LikesJohn CohenvideoJohn Cohen6 Likes
June 2015
"Old Virginia Break Down" played in the Char…video"Old Virginia Break Down" played in the Char…8 Likes
May 2015
The Joel Walker Sweeney Early Banjo Converge…videoThe Joel Walker Sweeney Early Banjo Converge…4 LikesLor Bres De LadiesvideoLor Bres De Ladies7 LikesDarling Nelly GrayvideoDarling Nelly Gray5 Likes
Bobey Nickle's JigvideoBobey Nickle's Jig4 LikesTenpenny BitvideoTenpenny Bit2 LikesVivaldi Concerto IvideoVivaldi Concerto I8 LikesTwo Gourds Are Better Than One: Blues Improv…videoTwo Gourds Are Better Than One: Blues Improv…4 LikesOld King CrowvideoOld King Crow3 Likes