The Lion and Beacon JigsvideoThe Lion and Beacon Jigs5 LikesGood banjo history articleMost of us already know most of this, but it's a pretty good article just the same. It's kinda long, but so is the broad history of our beloved banjo...
Black History of the Banjo - The Front Porchh…DiscussionGood banjo history article1 LikeBritish Pathe film of English minstrels.I had a feeling that this had already be posted, but can't find it in the archives. The musicians appear at 10 minutes.
<a href=""></a>DiscussionBritish Pathe film of English minstrels.3 Likes
August 2022
De Old Jaw Bone.videoDe Old Jaw Bone.2 LikesDan Bryant’s WaltzvideoDan Bryant’s Waltz3 LikesJumbo Reel.videoJumbo Reel.3 Likes
July 2022
Mid 19th Century Banjo mini-concertvideoMid 19th Century Banjo mini-concert3 LikesBriggs’ Yankee Doodle with variations (1855)videoBriggs’ Yankee Doodle with variations (1855)2 Likes
Richmond Is A Hard Road To TravelvideoRichmond Is A Hard Road To Travel4 LikesMississippi Walk Around.videoMississippi Walk Around.3 Likes
February 2022
Van Bramer’s JigvideoVan Bramer’s Jig4 Likes
January 2022
Essence of Old Virginny / Green CornvideoEssence of Old Virginny / Green Corn4 LikesLady of the LakevideoLady of the Lake2 Likes7 string Tunbridgeware banjovideo7 string Tunbridgeware banjo2 LikesUnsworth’s Giggle Toot.videoUnsworth’s Giggle Toot.2 Likes
December 2021
Chickahominy Jig.videoChickahominy Jig.2 LikesMrs. Grundy.videoMrs. Grundy.2 LikesMatt Peel’s Walk AroundvideoMatt Peel’s Walk Around3 Likes