Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Thanks everyone for a great weekend. I'm sorry I couldn't make it on sunday but I had a blast on friday and saturday.

Views: 288

Comment by Ian Bell on June 24, 2013 at 6:14pm
The rest of us (impatiently) await all the details!
Comment by Mark Weems on June 24, 2013 at 7:56pm

click on Album:Antietam Early Banjo Gathering VI 2013

right underneath the main photo

Comment by Rob Morrison on June 25, 2013 at 8:18am

This event is difficult to describe, but it's an awful lot of fun.  It's sort of as if you were born with green hair and you find a place where everybody has green hair and nobody looks at you funny.  In other words, "yeah, these are my people."  I made new friends and had a wonderful time on stage with Dave Kirchner of the lovely singing voice and Jeff Trace, the famous boy soprano.  I ate breakfast with Strumelia who got herself a realy cool new Jim Hartel bonjo and had had dinner with Jim Hartel who told me he sold his favorite banjo to Strumelia, darn it.  The absolute highlight for me personally was that one of the presenters was Cheik Hamala Diabate, a griot from Mali who talked about and demonstrated the African banjo tradition.  It so happens that I was already a fan of his and had learned some of his tunes.  He was nice enpugh to sign my CD and explain that my favorite tune of his, "N'be Magni", which I play at living history presentations, actually means "no more war" and its origin goes far back in the griot tradition.  It's moments like these that make this such a very special event.  Thanks to Greg Adams and all those who made this so special.. P.S.  Joel Hooks did a minstrel trick that had everybody on their feet.  It was pretty spectacular.--Rob

Comment by Strumelia on June 25, 2013 at 12:49pm

Rob- your green hair comment really is accurate- that's exactly how I felt too.  And I enjoyed our breakfast chat together!

A truly delightful event- a great balance of learning and having fun. It's obvious how much careful thought and effort go into the planning.

I learned all kinds of new things, and the jamming scene was completely inclusive too- everyone was helpful and encouraging to beginners in every way.  I came home with improved playing skills and lots of new inspiration.   Doesn't hurt to have another minstrel banjo now too, one really needs a PAIR of them to cover various situations, I think.  ;D  It will be sweeeet to now have the 'dilemma' of deciding which wonderful banjo to pick up for my home practice sessions- my Bell Stichter?, or my Hartel?....yikes!  I am a lucky gal.  I was relieved to not have too hard a time when I arrived back home with an extra banjo case.  Maybe my 4 day absence made me missed enough to overlook my sins.  lol! 

Also brought home some wonderful recordings to listen to. The presentations/workshops were fascinating and varied, very well put together. My personal favorite presentation was Joel Hooks' "Discovering Horace Weston".

It was so great actually meeting in person the many people I have come to recognize here on the Ning site- Through videos and discussions, I felt like I knew many of you a little bit already, but in person it was even better.  Many of you I consider to be my banjo heroes and inspiration, and I was honored to meet, talk with, observe, and play with you all.

Thank you all for being so kind and friendly.    :)

Comment by Tim Twiss on June 25, 2013 at 4:02pm

Hey, you want them fries?

Comment by Strumelia on June 25, 2013 at 4:24pm


Comment by Ian Bell on June 25, 2013 at 8:15pm
That all sounds better than great. I sure wish I could have gone Next year!
Comment by Scott Johnson on June 25, 2013 at 9:11pm

Sounds like everyone had a good time and some great pictures. We are all looking forward for more stuff to come.

Comment by Tim Twiss on June 25, 2013 at 9:45pm

Okay...let's start at the end....here is the finale.

Comment by Tim Twiss on June 26, 2013 at 6:17am

I have most of the concert. I put part of my performance up, and with participant's permission, I will add more. Let me know if you played and want it posted. It was all very good!


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