Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I would appreciate suggestions for recording programs and tools, should I gather the courage to want to post a song or two at some point.  I have a good webcam and a high quality USB mic, which I hope is sufficient, hardware-wise.  Is this mostly just a software issue at this point?  Any recommendations to get started?

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Hi Parker, I can only speak from my own experience.  I have a pretty high end webcam on my desktop, but I found it never had good synchronization ability between sound and video when it comes to music recording...there was always a tiny lag between sight and sound...very frustrating for me.  My old digital still camera has a video recorder, but it's pretty crummy for videos, great for still photos.

I think either a good smartphone or a newer tablet, or else a separate Zoom2 or 3 might get you better results.  I use a Zoom2 that's a couple years old.  It's miles ahead of my older little digital camera for videos..  Maybe you can get the older model Zoom2 brand new on sale somewhere online, too.

Thanks, Stumelia!  I had decided not to pester people any more here about recording.  I think I asked my questions right in the middle of a much more interesting discussion.  It appears that the combination of my Logitech webcam and Blue Snowball USB mic works okay, without that troublesome delay you described.  The mic on the Logitech is not so good, however.  Of course a portable recorder would be really handy and not have me tied to my PC.  I get an mp4 file from the Logitech software, but I'm wondering whether I upload that directly to the site or of I should first get it on YouTube.  I see that most recordings here link to YouTube.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer.  New territory for me.

I recommend uploading your videos to Youtube first, editing them there as you like using the YT editing features....then adding them here via pastin in the video's YT url (not the embed code)...so you get your video's thumbnail included instead of the yt logo.

Ah, excellent.  Thanks.

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