Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

New Website for Early Banjo Tutors, Instruction Books, & Recorded Music

Okay folks,

Here is a new website where one can purchase the early banjo tutors re-published by Joe Ayers. http://www.earlybanjotraditions.com

Ayers doesn't do computers and has authorized me to sell his remaining stock of Briggs (1855), Rice (1858), Buckley (1860), and both the Green and Yellow Converses (1865). Note: THESE ARE THE ACTUAL PRINTED BOUND BOOKS that Joe copyrighted and printed back in the 1990's. If you are like me, you might appreciate a real book you can hold in your hands, or place on a music stand, not some stack of paper printed off on your computer and stapled together. There is not much stock left - only about 4 of each, though he has more of the Yellow Converse. So if you want one, come and get it! We may decide to print more in the future. I am also re-issuing Joe's classic 1989 record Old Dan Tucker: Melodies of Dan Emmett and the Virginia Minstrels 1843-1860 on CD. It should be out sometime next month. My book The Music of Old Joe Sweeny is also available on the site.

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Hearing Joe play live, and listening to his Dan Emmett cassette were what got me interested in this music in the first place. 25 years later I am still amazed by the sound of this recording. I will definitely want to get a CD since the only place I can play the cassette these days is in my car. Anyone interested in the sound of early banjo, especially in an ensemble needs this recording. I have been trying to emulate the feeling and drive of those songs all along with my little band, I know we will never match it but its what I strive for. Dave

This is good news, Mark. I'll be looking forward to that CD.

I feel the same way Dave, that's why I'm working to get some of his material back out there! His Briggs recording will be next!

Can I go ahead and order the cd even though it isn't out yet? I am very glad to hear it is being re-released. I lost my cassettes in a move or frantic clean out and have since been in a state of ever increasing depression.

Ha! Sure, pre-orders are welcome. I should have them in a few weeks.


Great! Get it to you as soon as I get them!

Hi Scott,

Just got them in today. Will ship your copy of Old Dan Tucker out asap!

Scott House said:

Can I go ahead and order the cd even though it isn't out yet? I am very glad to hear it is being re-released. I lost my cassettes in a move or frantic clean out and have since been in a state of ever increasing depression.
Awesome! Do you guys plan doing the rest of the catalogue?

If there is enough demand, we will try to supply it.

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