Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Ok, I had an hour (or two) to sit down and see what I could come up with. The attached pdf is three seperate arrangements. First is the original, no changes. Second, I've attempted to clean up the rhythmic anomalies and anomalous notes in two triplets (C# in m3 and A in m13). Third...well, lets just say I was messing about. ;-)

I'll see if I can get at least the two versions on vid sometime this weekend.

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Who let the anarchist into the room?! Tuning the fourth string up a tone, dotted rhythms, etc - he'll be supplying a midi file next!

Only kidding, Marc. All good stuff which gives us all plenty to think about.

I usually take the 4th up a tone (raised bass) if there are no A/A# notes. I played thru it a couple times in its 'native' tuning and decided it was silly walking down that C#-B on the 4th. Much easier to note the C# and pull the B (and you've just done that on the 3rd string). I'm an engineer...I want simple, elegant solutions. Complexity is a siren song.

The "Jig" version was me attempting to get the rhythm to work out smoothly. Somehow I started playing it dotted and it fell together. Even though you dislike MIDI (and for very good reasons), it allows me to quickly hear technical problems and fix them. I keyed the tune in and set it to loop...I hear the rhythmic mistakes instantly and I can jump in and experiment with corrections (same for harmony issues).

The other thing it does is helps me with unfamilar rhythms. I have no formal music training, so counting out more complex stuff is a pain. Much easier for me to have the computer do it. Naturally, that isn't true in all cases. I can count. ;-)
As you know, I wasn't really attacking you, Marc. It's all good. Whatever method gets you there. I have my own reasons for not wanting anything between me and the score, but I'm old-fashioned and out of date (which gives me great comfort!).
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply I was being attacked. Just probably talking too much again. I understand 'taking comfort'...I'm there myself!

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